Friday, August 2, 2013

BMP Tonestack w/ LPB1

I've noticed a recurring request on how to add tone control to layout x (where x = any layout without tone control). So i thought that i'd draw up a simple addon board for simple Big Muff Pi tone control, so that anyone can take it after any board's output. But as many of the designs (older ones in particular), have quite low output, adding BMP tonestack would do a number on the maximum level. Probably even render some moderate/low output circuits unusable. So i just added your average LPB1 booster after the tone control to act as make up gain stage. You could easily swap the trimmer for "master volume" control if you wanted to - which could be a sligth overkill in many situations.

So. Take your fuzz/od, take the output from there to this circuit's input and use the output from this as your new output. Simple but effective tone control for any design.

Needless to say, this may not be too great project by itself with missing input cap and some other small details that really want a circuit before it.

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