Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Providence Stampede OD SOV-2

And this is the one I did the bipolar voltage converter for! :o)

This pedal uses a 9V supply which is then converted to +/-15V using a 5V regulator into an expensive NMA0515SC 5V to +/-15V converter, plus a couple of inductors which is another unusual component for us to use.  So I preferred the idea of using components I was more familiar with and which could be obtained at a lower cost and in any quantity.

So you're going to need the bipolar converter layout I did from yesterday.  This will take you a bit above the +/-15V used by the original which may give you a little more headroom, but if you want to drop it a bit further consider putting a polarity protection diode in series with the 9V supply to the charge pump.  That will drop the voltage around 0.7V before conversion to get things a bit lower.  I think if you do that and use 1N4001 instead of 1N5817 in the charge pump you'll be very close to the required number.  Or just have a bit of extra headroom, it's up to you.

You can either make it all on one board, or I reckon it would be easier to keep the converter on a separate daughter board which can be tucked away somewhere in the box.

The diodes are unknown, here is a pic posted by Olof who posted the schematic on Freestompboxes if anyone has any ideas:

It has been suggested that the red and blue one may be a 1S1588, which I think is one of the unobtainium diodes in the Analogman King of Tone.  And the other has been suggested to be a 1N4249.  If you can get them to try then all the better, if not then just use a 1N4148 and 1N4001 combination which I'm sure will get you 99% there if not all the way.  Or experiment and let us all know how it turns out! :o)

Manufacturers description:

A wide dynamic range of overdrive sounds.
The Providence SOV-2 Stampede OD pedal is designed to deliver natural overdrive without obscuring the inherent characteristics and tone of the guitar being used. It features a special bipolar power supply that powers the internal circuitry with boosted voltage, providing a wider dynamic range than possible with conventional 9-volt powered overdrives. For singing lead tones and solid, chunky rhythms, there's nothing like the SOV-2 Stampede OD.

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